How To Setup a Bing Search CTR Manipulation Campaign?

Learn how to activate a CTR manipulation campaign for Bing Search using this article.

Tip: Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need help setting up the campaign. It might seem like there are many steps, but in reality, the whole process takes less than 10 minutes for the first time and less than 5 minutes subsequent times.

Tip: We are happy to setup the campaign for you, for free!
We are also happy to review your campaign to make sure it’s all set!

Alert: The purpose of the free plan is to demonstrate that you can see the traffic on your Bing Webmaster Tool pagea. Thus given its traffic and keywords limitations, the ranking effect will be extremely limited, if any (under the free plan).

1. Navigate to your dashboard

2. Click "Create a new campaign"

Screenshot of: Click "Create a new campaign"

3. Click "Bing Search"

Screenshot of: Click "Bing Search"

4. Click this input field and provide an easy-to-recognise campaign name.

Screenshot of: Click this input field and provide an easy-to-recognise campaign name.

Alert: Make sure you use the correct domain or subdomain here. If you’re using "" but in the SERP your listing shows up as "", it will be not found.

5. Click the "Domain to search in results" field. Here you need to insert either the domain (subdomain) name our system will click on when found in the SERP or the exact URL you want to look for. Our system will first try to click on the exact URL (if provided) and if not found, it will look for the domain of the URL you provide.
Click "Save & Continue to step 2"

Screenshot of: Click the "Domain to search in results" field. Here you need to insert either the domain (subdomain) name our system will click on when found in the SERP or the exact URL you want to look for. Our system will first try to click on the exact URL (if provided) and if not found, it will look for the domain of the URL you provide.
Click "Save & Continue to step 2"

Tip: The "Just search, don’t click" option will simply search for the keywords you define, load up to 5 pages of the SERP and will NOT click on any result. It has the purpose of diluting the CTR for some keywords. This is for advanced users, only.

6. Click "Save & Continue to step 3"

Screenshot of: Click "Save & Continue to step 3"

Alert: We have noticed that many of our clients are using 3rd party software to identify the position in the SERP for their keywords (Ahrefs, Moz etc). We noticed they lack the reliability provided by Bing itself so please don’t use them to generate keywords and don’t use them to track the results. Please just use Bing Search Performance. No one knows Bing better than Bing.

7. Navigate to your site’s Bing Webmaster Tools page:

8. Click on Search Performance.

Screenshot of: Click on Search Performance.

9. Click "Download all"

Screenshot of: Click "Download all"

10. Open the downloaded file with MS Excel

11. Click "File"

Screenshot of: Click "File"

12. Click "Open…"

Screenshot of: Click "Open..."

13. Open the file you just downloaded.

Screenshot of: Open the file you just downloaded.

14. Click "Next >"

Screenshot of: Click "Next >"

15. Tick Comma

Screenshot of: Tick Comma

16. Click "Finish"

Screenshot of: Click "Finish"

Tip: The Top of the Results system only looks for your website in the SERP’s first 4-5 pages. So what we’re doing now is removing all the keywords that are listed on position 25+. These keywords are usually very volatile and sometimes they appear on page 3 and sometimes on page 5. We want to avoid this.

17. Click the E Column Header

Screenshot of: Click the E  Column Header

18. Click "Sort Smallest to Largest"

Screenshot of: Click "Sort Smallest to Largest"

19. Tick "Expand the selection"

Screenshot of: Tick "Expand the selection"

20. Select the rows where you rank on position 25+

Screenshot of: Select the rows where you rank on position 25+

21. And delete them.

Screenshot of: And delete them.

22. Click the cell F1 to create a new column named "frequency"

Screenshot of: Click the cell F1 to create a new column named "frequency"

23. Click the Formula Bar. Paste this into F2: =CEILING(C2/90*0.3, 1)

Screenshot of: Click the Formula Bar. Paste this into F2: =CEILING(C2/90*0.3, 1)

24. Apply the same formula on the entire column

Screenshot of: Apply the same formula on the entire column

25. Manually set to "1" all the cells that are "0" in the frequency column. It might help to initially sort this column.

Screenshot of: Manually set to "1" all the cells that are "0" in the frequency column. It might help to initially sort this column.


Screenshot of:

27. Delete the "Avg. Position" column "E"

Screenshot of: Delete the "Avg. Position" column "E"

28. Save the file.

29. Switch the tab to "Top of the Results Campaign Management Area"

Tip: Make sure there are fewer than 200 lines in the CSV you just generated. Please split it into multiple CSVs and perform multiple uploads if you need to add more than 200 keywords.

30. Click this file field to upload the CSV file you just saved.

Screenshot of: Click this file field to upload the CSV file you just saved.

31. Click "Finish and go live!"

Screenshot of: Click "Finish and go live!"

32. Make sure that your campaign is healthy and active. If it’s not healthy, review all the fields to make sure they’re all filled in.

Screenshot of: Make sure that your campaign is healthy and active. If it's not healthy, review all the fields to make sure they're all filled in.

Alert: Wait for 24 hours and check to make sure that your keywords are found. If there are keywords that are not found (more than 10%), please get in touch. It’s normal to have a 10% not-found rate. We compensate for that anyway.
Keywords that are not found 4 times in a row during the past 3 days will no longer be retried for one day. In exchange, the system sends more sessions to keywords that are found.

You should periodically (once a month or so) update the keywords as you might start ranking for new keywords. This is very important.

33. 24 hours later, check the statistics to make sure your website is found.

Screenshot of: 24 hours later, check the statistics to make sure your website is found.

34. Click "Keywords not found? We’ll fix them for free!"

Screenshot of: Click "Keywords not found? We'll fix them for free!"