Google SEO Ranking Factors: How to Rank Higher in 2024

When it comes to SEO, there are many parallels to regular life. Some things you can control. Some you can’t. And sometimes, an expert can do way more for you and your business than you alone.

You need SEO. 

It’s how your website and content get in front of people. People who are searching for services like what you offer. Unfortunately, most people rarely search beyond the first page of the search engine results pages. More than two-thirds of organic traffic goes to the top three results on the first page. 

Translation? Great SEO turns into conversions, which turns into money in your pocket. Here are the top SEO ranking factors you need to know in 2024.

On-Page SEO Ranking Factors

Google controls its rankings. They use an advanced algorithm to ensure their users get the best possible content for their query. You can set yourself up for success by tuning your site to appeal to Google’s crawler bots.

Keyword Optimization

At the heart of the on-page SEO ranking factors is keyword research. It’s about choosing keywords that represent your content’s intent and match users’ searches. 

But it’s not just about peppering your content with keywords; it’s about strategic placement in titles, headings, and throughout the body while maintaining natural readability.

Content Quality and Relevance

Google loves content that provides value. Why? Because that’s what their users want. If Google wasn’t great at what it does, it wouldn’t have over 80% of the search engine market share. It’s important to note that Bing is slowly catching up.

The quality of your content is evaluated by your expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (EAT). Time spent on developing this is time well spent.

Page Load Speed

A website that loads quickly is a website that will keep visitors happy. Google confirmed page speed is a direct ranking factor, contributing to a better user experience. Use tools like Google’s PageSpeed Insights to evaluate and optimize your page speed.


Phones are no longer phones. They’re powerful handheld computers. And people spend more time using search engines to find goods and services than they do on their desktops.

Creating a mobile-friendly website is mandatory. It’s a ranking factor. This is also a branding issue. Your website should be seamless and consistent across all devices. 

User Experience and Engagement

Google’s algorithms are adept at interpreting user interactions and engagement metrics. High bounce rates might tell Google your content isn’t relevant or engaging enough, affecting your ranking. Improving the user experience will naturally lead to better engagement.

Off-Page SEO Ranking Factors

SEO is about more than your website. Sometimes, what happens away from your website impacts your SEO ranking factors.

Backlinks and Link Quality

Links are the connections between pages. When a page links to any of your content, Google interprets it as a signal of trust. More links mean better content! At least, in theory.  

Not all backlinks are created equal, though. Relevance matters. Quality matters. If you don’t have those two things going for you, then the quantity is moot. 

Social Signals

Google says social signals aren’t a direct ranking factor. But there’s no denying that social media can improve the visibility of your content, which leads to more natural links from other websites.

How is this possible? Traffic. For example, you share a blog post on X. People love it. So, they share it and retweet it. More and more people visit your blog and read it. 

They click on internal links to see what other great content you have. Google sees this and thinks, “These guys are legit. They deserve a higher ranking.”

Technical Ranking Factors

Technical SEO is awesome. It’s also a hassle. This is the part where you should seek help from an expert. Trying to do this kind of work if you’re not technically savvy can hurt your SEO and even break your website. Let the pros handle this one!

Website Architecture and Structure

A well-structured site with a clear hierarchy allows search engines to crawl your site more effectively. 

Make sure that your website has a logical menu structure that makes sense to both users and search engines. If it takes users more than a few clicks to find the content they want, you’re probably doing something wrong.

URL Structure and Readability

The best URLs are those that are easy for both users and search engines to understand. They should include words that accurately describe the page’s content and are structured in a predictable way.

XML Sitemaps

An XML sitemap is a roadmap to all important pages on your website. Having an up-to-date sitemap makes it easier for Google to find and index your pages.

Robots.txt File

This file tells crawlers which pages to crawl and which to avoid, helping them to prioritize your content.

Understanding Click-Through Rate and Its Influence on Search Engine Optimization

The Click-Through Rate (CTR) is a metric that captures the ratio of users who click on a specific link to the total number of users who view the link. It’s usually expressed as a percentage. As far as SEO, a high CTR indicates a successful alignment between user intent and the relevance of your content. 

When users frequently select a website’s link over others, it suggests to search engines that the content is relevant and valuable. This behavioral signal can influence search algorithms to assess the website or page as more authoritative (the “A” in EAT), leading to higher rankings. 

Optimizing for CTR is about bringing together many of the points we discussed here today. It involves crafting compelling meta titles and descriptions, utilizing relevant keywords, and creating engaging content that resonates with the target audience’s search intentions.

CTR Manipulations – What Is It and How Can You Use It? 

CTR manipulation refers to the act of artificially inflating a website’s click-through rate in order to improve its search ranking. It can be done through various means, such as: 

  1. Using bots or click farms 
  2. Paying people to click on your links

Does it work? Yes. 

Is CTR manipulation effective? Absolutely. If you know your website has the best content for your chosen keywords, we can help you get your desired rankings.

Some Final Thoughts on SEO Ranking Factors

SEO is both an art and a science. It requires deliberate content creation and analytic prowess to interpret search engine algorithms. 

By understanding and implementing the SEO ranking factors discussed, you are paving the way for eventual success. Eventual? Yep. This is a long-term strategy. Patience is key. Keep learning, keep optimizing, and the results will follow.

Ready to get started with CTR manipulation? You can try us out for free.