
Earn 30% ongoing recurring commissions. Forever!

We live in a world where we all depend on search engines to send us leads and clients. The service that we provide delivers a relatively fast and crucial value to all the webmasters out there.

Based on our tiered system, you can earn up to 30% of what your referrals spend on our website, forever!

Commission tiers:
Less than $500: 10%
Between $500 and $1,000: 15%
Between $1,000 and $3,000: 20%
Between $3,000 and $5,000: 25%
More than $5,000: 30%

Success Page Embed Code

Embed your tracking code on our thank you page!

We’re one of the few affiliate programs that deliver such transparency level.

10% – 30% Recurring Lifetime Commissions

Unlike other competitors, we do not only pay you from the first payment done by your referred client. We will pay you for all the revenue generated by your referrals.

You’re Promoting the Most Developed Service

TopOfTheResults is the most feature-rich traffic generator platforms out there. We developed advanced organic-like features and our service works with Youtube and Alexa, as well.

Monthly Payouts, Multiple Methods, Min. $50 for Payout

We pay all our affiliates every 30 days and if their account balance is above $50.